The manufacturing of crimes by the police is a very big industry in America, but it is part of the even bigger industry of the organized crime where the police, the legal profession and the judiciary act together to defraud and criminalize innocent citizens.In a devastating indictment of the American justice system, the US writer, Paul Craig Roberts, has described some of the activities of the US police in an article titled 'How the Police Create Crimes'. We were aware that the US police were legally using child pornography to entrap men over the Internet and also posing as underage girls and boys to ensnare men into meetings where they would be arrested and, even in some cases, filmed for television programmes. Stories have also been coming in to this web site about malicious women using help from male FBI agents and police to entrap their ex-husbands and boy friends and for years we have been hearing that the security services use women (all over the world incidentally) to entrap and ruin men who may be politically undesirable to American causes. Roberts now reports that the American police are planting attractive women half naked in parks, who entice passing males, engage them in conversation, pretend to begin to seduce them and ask to see their penises. When the foolish men comply, the police with their cameras still running pounce on them in triumph.Other examples quoted by Roberts are the corrupt New York police ensnaring hundreds of innocents during 2007 via 'Operation Lucky Bag' by planting IPods, cell phones, wallets, and shopping bags in subway stations as if they had been dropped or abandoned. Pick them up and you are nicked for 'Subway grand larceny'.He gives a further example of an organized crime that is practised with ever increasing frequency also by the judiciary. A senior policeman, sheriff or judge tries to force you to sell him your property at a fraction of its value: you refuse and you become a target of the law enforcement apparatus. You are now at the mercy of a Gestapo.When Roberts sums up, however, he strikes a chord with all that we have learned about the American justice system and see now also in Great Britain and other English-speaking countries which are copying it. "In our time, the police create crimes. And that is why the US prison population is twice the size of China's, an authoritarian country with a population four to five times larger than America's."It is very important that this be grasped in its fullest implications. It is in the interest of the police and the legal profession that crime be maintained. There are two broad classes of crime - illegal crime, committed by the underdogs, mainly black males in America, and legal crime committed by the establishment, mainly the judiciary, the rest of the legal profession and the police. The legal criminals need the illegal crime to justify their own predatory roles. How often we see the 'round up the usual suspects' routine where any underdog is arrested for a crime whether he did it or not. The police get a result and the crimes which keep them and the legal profession in business continue to flourish.So where does this lead to? Roberts says, "Americans are more at risk from the police than they are from criminals." We now know of both law-abiding non-Americans and ex-Americans who are afraid to visit or return to America. Hundreds are now also leaving Great Britain every day to live abroad. The numbers of law-abiding citizens contemplating civil disobedience or even outright rejection of the authority of the state is growing. Here is one current example. If the proposed further criminalization of prostitution goes ahead in the UK, men who have never considered using prostitutes before may now begin to do so. Look at Operation Ore in the UK. One result is that it has brought together a small group of highly intelligent and often articulate and literate individuals determined to expose and punish the establishment for its abandonment of the principles of ordinary justice in its pursuit of results in the witch hunt of Ore.A final piece of good advice from Roberts: "Never make the mistake of calling the police."The full Paul Craig Roberts article can be read in Counterpunch.A general 'dumbing down' of the populationNote the power today of television and the printed media and their virtual control by a cabal. Note also how the world's most powerful owner of media is also the biggest publisher of banal pornography over adult television channels and tabloids.Some reflection on the aboveThe clear relationship between the elements that make up the police state, including the inevitable 'legislative creep' that makes it possible can be seen from the above. A key sub-element in the doctrines and dogmas is the crimen exceptum, the designated crime for which normal law and the processes of justice are suspended - heresy, witchcraft, being a Jew in Nazi Germany, child sex abuse, child porn, and so on. Note how child porn has been used to transform the Internet into a tool of repression and fear and a powerful device for the police and prosecution state. Whenever it is powerful enough fear of the enemy can replace the crimen exceptum, as the instrument for the suspension of justice.Note also how these devices were used in the early inquisitions, Nazi Germany, countries under the control of the Roman Catholic Church, and McCarthy's America, and are still being used today in Islamic fundamentalism, moral panics and social control.A critical element, which tips the state from one of democracy into a full police state, is the suppression of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is vital for avoiding the slide into totalitarianism, but it must be attacked by the opportunists and demagogues as it exposes and undermines them. The police fear it also. When not moderated by freedom of expression, the process shown above develops almost naturally into the police state, made certain by a fatal combination of public apathy and fear, and moral indoctrination and opportunism by whatever cabal is dominant. The signs that the end of the process is near are when laws are passed that suppress criticism of the law itself and when the media bow to political correctness and to the current social ideology. A test for the last is to ask if there are any questions that are taboo. Would a journalist defend a Jew in Nazi Germany? Would a journalist question the unnatural age of sexual consent laws in Western society?And for the epistemicistsA fascinating mental exercise is to take the model laid out above which begins with the existence of doctrines and dogmas, and imagine several other 'domains of meaning' or 'levels of awareness', in an imaginary world where we have moved beyond the domain of doctrines and dogmas, into one where we discard black and white labelling, a priori assumptions, and accept ambiguity.What can we do?This is addressed in the main menu on the left.The Malleus Maleficarum and the new hereticsRead also The Malleus Maleficarum and the new heretics HERE.A general 'dumbing down' of the populationNote the power today of television and the printed media and their virtual control by a cabal. Note also how the world's most powerful owner of media is also the biggest publisher of banal pornography over adult television channels and tabloids.Some reflection on the aboveThe clear relationship between the elements that make up the police state, including the inevitable 'legislative creep' that makes it possible can be seen from the above. A key sub-element in the doctrines and dogmas is the crimen exceptum, the designated crime for which normal law and the processes of justice are suspended - heresy, witchcraft, being a Jew in Nazi Germany, child sex abuse, child porn, and so on. Note how child porn has been used to transform the Internet into a tool of repression and fear and a powerful device for the police and prosecution state. Whenever it is powerful enough fear of the enemy can replace the crimen exceptum, as the instrument for the suspension of justice.Note also how these devices were used in the early inquisitions, Nazi Germany, countries under the control of the Roman Catholic Church, and McCarthy's America, and are still being used today in Islamic fundamentalism, moral panics and social control.A critical element, which tips the state from one of democracy into a full police state, is the suppression of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is vital for avoiding the slide into totalitarianism, but it must be attacked by the opportunists and demagogues as it exposes and undermines them. The police fear it also. When not moderated by freedom of expression, the process shown above develops almost naturally into the police state, made certain by a fatal combination of public apathy and fear, and moral indoctrination and opportunism by whatever cabal is dominant. The signs that the end of the process is near are when laws are passed that suppress criticism of the law itself and when the media bow to political correctness and to the current social ideology. A test for the last is to ask if there are any questions that are taboo. Would a journalist defend a Jew in Nazi Germany? Would a journalist question the unnatural age of sexual consent laws in Western society?And for the epistemicistsA fascinating mental exercise is to take the model laid out above which begins with the existence of doctrines and dogmas, and imagine several other 'domains of meaning' or 'levels of awareness', in an imaginary world where we have moved beyond the domain of doctrines and dogmas, into one where we discard black and white labelling, a priori assumptions, and accept ambiguity.What can we do?This is addressed in the main menu on the left.The Malleus Maleficarum and the new hereticsRead also The Malleus Maleficarum and the new heretics HERE.America the defence lawyers work for the judge and prosecution and engage in plea bargaining which is akin to the witch pleading guilty early on to reduce the amount of torture. Death or shaming will follow anywayThe Malleus demands simplicity in the institution of proceedings in the event of a revelation of the crimen exceptum, without the arguments and contentions of advocates and 'without the legal quibbles and contentions which are introduced in other cases'. In other words the whole procedure as with those in American and UK courts today is to ensure conviction.