Tales From the Front Lines...Real People's Lives Ruined !!

Mother of sex offender speaks out http://www.khqa.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=126009 The state of Missouri has some of the strictest sex offender laws in the country. It puts tight restrictions on where sex offenders can*not* live, and how often they have to register with police.Supporters say those restrictions are necessary to keep an eye on sex offenders to keep you and your family safe. But those same laws also label all sex offenders as the same, no matter the circumstances or severity of their crimes. And that label follows the offender for the rest of his or her life. This is a story every parent and teenager should see. A reporter sat down with a mother of a registered sex offender who says a bad decision as a teenager left her son with life-long consequences.This story begins here at Monroe City High School with a promising teenager. He was on the basketball and football teams. Everyone they talked with says he was a good kid and popular in school. After graduation he did what...